CZC Red Dot Pistol Optics
Course Details
With pistol-mounted red dot optics becoming more common, our CZC Red Dot Pistol Optics course provides a comprehensive review of red dot optics, basic instruction on the nuances of shooting with a pistol-mounted red dot, and a variety of drills to reinforce the application of fundamental principles in conjunction with RDS optics. This is not a beginner pistol class. Students should have a strong level of comfort with pistol manipulation and experience safely drawing a pistol from a holster.
Course Topics
- Understanding red dot theory
- Red dot inspection and maintenance
- Zeroing your RDS
- Initial dot acquisition and tracking
- Fundamentals of marksmanship with RDS
- Understanding mechanical offset and holdover
- Pistol manipulation with RDS
- Fundamentals of marksmanship with RDS
- Advantages and limitations
- Use of back-up iron sights
- Alternate aiming techniques
Course Length
8 Hours
Equipment List
- Semi-auto pistol capable of utilizing 10-round magazines with a properly affixed red dot sight
- Three (3) magazines
- Minimum 250 rounds of pistol ammunition
- Ear protection (electronic preferred)
- Clear eye protection
- Jeans, BDU’s, or canvas type pants. Shorts are not permitted.
- Short or long sleeve shirt. Tank tops are not permitted.
- Boots or sneakers. Sandals are not permitted.
- Consider weather-appropriate attire, rain jackets, sunscreen, and insect repellant for courses at outdoor ranges.
- We recommend bringing a folding chair for a place to sit during breaks (outdoor range only).
Upcoming Events
- No events
Interested in hosting a CZC Red Dot Pistol Course?
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