Pistol Fundamentals I
Course Details
The Pistol Fundamentals I Course is designed to provide participants with a solid foundation in handgun safety, handling, and marksmanship. This class covers essential pistol skills, including proper grip, stance, sight alignment, trigger control, and recoil management, all aimed at improving shooting accuracy and consistency. Participants will engage in a series of structured drills, live-fire exercises, and coaching sessions to develop and refine their shooting technique, whether they are new to firearms or looking to reinforce their existing skills. Emphasizing safety and confidence, this course is ideal for law enforcement, security professionals, and licensed responsible gun owners seeking to master the core fundamentals of pistol shooting, and serves as a foundational course for other Pistol Fundamentals II and III.
Course Topics
- General firearm safety
- Range safety and etiquette
- Ready positions / pistol handling
- Establishing a grip
- Sight alignment / sight picture
- Trigger press and trigger control
- Stance / body posture
- Managing recoil
- How to self-identify and correct common mistakes
- How to maximize your self-initiated training
- Dry fire exercises to do at home
Course Length
1 Day (8 hours)
Equipment List
- Semi-auto pistol capable of utilizing 10-round magazines
- Three (3) magazines
- Minimum 250 rounds of pistol ammunition
- Ear protection (electronic preferred)
- Clear eye protection
- Jeans, BDU’s, or canvas type pants. Shorts are not permitted.
- Short or long sleeve shirt. Tank tops are not permitted.
- Boots or sneakers. Sandals are not permitted.
- Consider weather-appropriate attire, rain jackets, sunscreen, and insect repellant for courses at outdoor ranges.
- We recommend bringing a folding chair for a place to sit during breaks (outdoor range only).
Upcoming Events
- No events
Interested in hosting a Crisis Zone Consulting Pistol Fundamentals I Course?
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