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Ballistic Shield Train-the-Trainer
Course Details
Our 5-day Ballistic Shield Train-the-Trainer course is taught by instructors with extensive experience deploying ballistic shields during law enforcement tactical operations. It encompasses both flat range and force-on-force scenario work to demonstrate and validate the techniques discussed throughout the course, as well as teaching methodology and access to all course materials needed to deliver a Ballistic Shield Operator Course for your agency. Looking for an operator level course? Check out our Ballistic Shield Operator course here.
Course Topics
- Shooting and weapon manipulation techniques
- Deployment considerations
- Integration into tactical operations
- Deliberate & dynamic clearance
- Shield-oriented downed officer rescue techniques
- Instructional methodology
- Using the instructor portal and teaching a Ballistic Shield course
Course Length
5 Days (40 hours)
Equipment List
- Semi-auto duty pistol
- 3 or more magazines
- Patrol rifle (if available), 2 or more magazines
- Duty/Tactical gear with holster and magazine pouches
- A functional shield from your agency (if available)
- Minimum 500 rounds of pistol, 300 rounds of rifle ammunition (provided by student)
- Marking cartridge (SIMS/UTM) setup for your weapon system. 100 marking rounds (50 rifle, 50 pistol).
- Force-on-Force PPE (face, long sleeve, gloves, neck, groin)
- Ear protection (electronic preferred)
- Clear eye protection
- Simmunition face mask, gloves, neck/groin protection. Long sleeve top.
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