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Breaching for Patrol Officers

Breaching for Patrol Course Details

Our 2-day Breaching For Patrol Officers course is geared towards patrol officers who may only have access to manual breaching tools and methods to forcibly gain entry into locations during crisis incidents. 

Course Topics

  • Tool orientation 
  • Size-up and tool selection
  • Passive entry methods
  • Forcible entry methods for inward opening doors
  • Forcible entry methods for outward opening doors
  • Barricaded doors
  • Breaching-related tactics  (approach, during breach, post-breach)

Course Length

2 Days (16 Hours)

Equipment List

  • Breaching gear from your agency (if desired, tools will be provided by Crisis Zone Consulting)
  • Patrol rifle (if available), 2 or more magazines
  • Duty/Tactical gear with holster and magazine pouches
  • Minimum 500 rounds of pistol, 300 rounds of rifle ammunition (provided by student)
  • Marking cartridge (SIMS/UTM) setup for your weapon system. 100 marking rounds (50 rifle, 50 pistol).   
  • Clear eye protection
  • Long-sleeve shirt
  • Gloves



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