Pistol Fundamentals Level III

Pistol Fundamentals III

Course Details

Pistol Fundamentals Level III continues to building upon the skills taught in Levels I and II. It is designed for experienced shooters looking to elevate their handgun skills to the next level through dynamic and challenging training. Fundamentals III builds on foundational techniques, and introduces concepts such as shooting on the move, multiple target engagement, shooting from cover/concealment, and performing reloads under stress. In Fundamentals Level III, we focus on various shooting skills that have real world applications in defensive encounters. Participants should be confident in their ability to manipulate a pistol safely before registering for this course.

Course Topics

  • General firearm and range safety
  • Ready positions / pistol handling
  • Slide-lock reloads
  • Tactical reloads
  • Malfunction clearance
  • Shooting from cover / concealment
  • Moving and shooting
  • Target transitions / engaging multiple targets

Course Length

8 Hours

Equipment List

  • Semi-auto pistol capable of utilizing 10-round magazines
  • Three (3) magazines
  • Minimum 250 rounds of pistol ammunition 
  • Ear protection (electronic preferred)
  • Clear eye protection
  • Jeans, BDU’s, or canvas type pants. Shorts are not permitted.
  • Short or long sleeve shirt. Tank tops are not permitted.
  • Boots or sneakers. Sandals are not permitted.
  • Consider weather-appropriate attire, rain jackets, sunscreen, and insect repellant for courses at outdoor ranges.
  • We recommend bringing a folding chair for a place to sit during breaks (outdoor range only).



Upcoming Events

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